Tekstbureau Katharos

Tekstbureau Katharos is een Communicatieadviesbureau gelegen aan Bendijksweg 44 in Heino.

Meer informatie over Tekstbureau Katharos in Heino

Robert Benninga is a firm believer in turning dreams into reality through action. He emphasizes the importance of clear communication, both in writing and verbally, and offers his services in text writing, communication advice, communication workshops, and event organization. Benninga is passionate about communicating, advising, and organizing, and works with both large and small companies. He values quality, commitment, and customization. His text agency, Katharos, is located in the Tuin van Nederland, in the green area of Heino between Raalte and Zwolle. Benninga strives for satisfied customers and sees each assignment as a free PR tool. He invites potential clients to contact him for questions or a quote, and even offers the opportunity to meet for a cup of coffee or tea.

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  2. Tekstbureau Katharos

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